Seniors at Mater Dei serve others

Reading with a child or playing cards with senior citizens are just two of the many services seniors at Mater Dei Catholic High School in Breese offered to others during their three-week hiatus from school.
Reading with a child or playing cards with senior citizens are just two of the many services seniors at Mater Dei Catholic High School in Breese offered to others during their three-week hiatus from school.
The day-long workshop called “Through the Doorway” was a chance to go “back to basics,” Todd Williamson said.
Williamson, director of the Chicago archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship, and Victoria Tufano, senior editor and liturgical consultant at Liturgy Training Publications, tag-teamed presentations throughout the day.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Herrin will host Eva Mozes Kor, one of the Mengele twins who survived the Holocaust, at an evening presentation at 7 p.m. Feb. 18 at the church, 316 W. Monroe St. in Herrin.