Catholic Schools Celebrate, Serve Others

Catholic Schools Week (CSW) was celebrated in the Diocese of Belleville and across the United States last week with activities around the theme of community, faith, knowledge and service.
Catholic Schools Week (CSW) was celebrated in the Diocese of Belleville and across the United States last week with activities around the theme of community, faith, knowledge and service.
The “Luke 18” retreat model for 6th-8th-graders is used in many areas. The model, according to adult team coleaders Kristine Lamons and Randy Riesenberger is a weekend long retreat inviting this group of young people into the Church — to help them see that they are not only the future of our Church, but they are also the Church right now.
Sometimes dreams come true, and in a big way. That’s what this story is about, but it took 50 years to arrive at this point. Msgr. Vincent Haselhorst entertained three people from the Diocese of Jalapa in Guatemala, which, if you know Msgr. Haselhorst would not be considered unusual.