Student Thanks Pope Francis on His Third Anniversary

Each year, Bishop Edward K. Braxton invites Catholic school students to write a personal letter to Pope Francis on the anniversary of his election as pope.
Each year, Bishop Edward K. Braxton invites Catholic school students to write a personal letter to Pope Francis on the anniversary of his election as pope.
Why do we use the name “Easter” for the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus? The origin of this usage is obscure. St. Bede the Venerable, (died 735), in a work written in 725, claims that the word is derived from the name Eastre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess associated with the season of Spring.
The gospel reading of the Second Sunday of Easter includes the first and second post resurrection appearances of Jesus to his disciples. The first appearance takes place on the very day of the resurrection (Sunday) in the evening. Jesus had already appeared to an important woman disciple, Mary of Magdala.