Memorial Day: A Time to Remember the Fallen

Copilot of a B-24 Liberator bomber, Army Air Corps 2nd Lt. Olympio Zanini, 23, died May 19, 1944 on a bombing run over Brunswick (Braunschweig), Germany.
Copilot of a B-24 Liberator bomber, Army Air Corps 2nd Lt. Olympio Zanini, 23, died May 19, 1944 on a bombing run over Brunswick (Braunschweig), Germany.
Graduation, Mother’s Day, wedding, Father’s Day, baby shower, birthday, confirmation, and the need for cards just keeps coming. It’s that time of year, though, when we look at the milestones in our lives.
The name of this feast day, Corpus Christi, is the Latin word for “Body of Christ.” Although this ancient name is still used, the new name, “The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,” more fully expresses what is celebrated.