Welcome to ‘Hubbard’s Haven:’ St. Vincent de Paul receives generous donation, renames its soup kitchen to honor man who has assisted the poor, homeless and hungry since 1973

Former metro-east resident and Blue Angels pilot John Foley (right), now a motivational speaker, enjoys a light moment with Joe Hubbard on Jan. 30 after Foley chose “Hubbard’s Haven” as the new name for the soup kitchen at St. Vincent de Paul in East St. Louis. Foley and his wife, […]

Posted on January 9, 2025

Healing words: St. Teresa teacher Neville contributes chapter to book designed to help people navigate the grieving process

Adrianne Neville, a math teacher at St. Teresa Catholic School in Belleville, has authored a chapter for “Threads of Gold,” a soon-to-be-released book written to help people overcome grief (David Wilhelm photo). Adrianne Neville knows a thing or two about grief. Neville and her husband, Jared, experienced the heart-wrenching loss […]

Posted on January 9, 2025

After 40 years, Immaculate Conception students are still taking to the road to enhance learning opportunities

Students and teachers from Immaculate Conception at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn, site of the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination and the home of the National Civil Rights Museum (Submitted photo). Immaculate Conception School in Columbia ensures its students’ learning isn’t restricted to the classroom. Since 1985, the school […]

Posted on January 9, 2025

Mater Dei junior Owen Musenbrock scores a 36 on ACT

The pursuit of perfection can be a frustrating endeavor. But Mater Dei Catholic High School junior Owen Musenbrock achieved it Dec. 14 when he scored a 36 on the American College Testing exam, commonly referred to as the ACT. The test included 215 questions in English (75), math (60), reading […]

Posted on January 9, 2025

Diocese Recognizes Those Who Take Faith into the Marketplace

Each year, for the past nine years, people have gathered to honor individuals who have taken their faith out of the pews and into the marketplace — into the lives of the working men and women of our diocese, to the clients and customers who will reap the rewards of these laborers, in the clinics and hospitals, caring for the sick, in the courtroom making sure justice is served, in the lives of grief-stricken families, in the care of our children and “walking the talk” of faith in everyday life.

Relying on God Must Be Enough

Not a stellar athlete? Neither am I, but I can still ride a bike, and I’ll be doing just that for Pedal the Cause, a nonprofit that raises money for cancer research at Siteman Cancer Center and Children’s Hospital, both in St. Louis. I ride because my friend Larry died with cancer, and I have good friends who have or are battling that terrible disease. Some won’t make it, like Larry, but some will.