Time of Jesus’ Return
The setting of this Sunday’s Gospel reading is Jerusalem. Jesus is sitting in an outer court of the temple. He and those with him were watching people drop contributions in chests set up to receive them.
The setting of this Sunday’s Gospel reading is Jerusalem. Jesus is sitting in an outer court of the temple. He and those with him were watching people drop contributions in chests set up to receive them.
After Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus (last Sunday’s Gospel reading) in the city of Jericho, Luke points out that the end of the Journey to Jerusalem is almost at hand. Then he inserts the parable of the talents as a final teaching before Jesus enters Jerusalem.
Students at St. Joseph School in Olney began the year in their new school building. On Sept. 30th, the church was full as students, teachers, parents, friends and parishioners gathered with pastor, Father Mark Stec for the blessing of the new school.