The Good Shepherd
Christians are familiar with the parable of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. It is found in the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John. The first ten verses of chapter ten contain two parables that introduce the Good Shepherd parable.
Christians are familiar with the parable of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. It is found in the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John. The first ten verses of chapter ten contain two parables that introduce the Good Shepherd parable.
For the Fifth Sunday of Easter the liturgy presents us with a Gospel reading from Jesus’ Last Supper Discourse in the Gospel of John. Seems a bit odd as we work our way toward the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost.
Deacon Michael Rowland wears many hats as he ministers at St. Andrew Parish in Christopher and the partner parishes of St. Mary in Sesser and St. Joseph in Benton.