The Holy Spirit as Enabler
Selections from the Last Supper Discourse of Jesus with its theme of departure continues on this Sunday, but with a difference. Last Sunday the emphasis was on faith in Jesus, and faith in God as the same faith.
Selections from the Last Supper Discourse of Jesus with its theme of departure continues on this Sunday, but with a difference. Last Sunday the emphasis was on faith in Jesus, and faith in God as the same faith.
The Gospel of Matthew closes with the Great Commission — the Gospel selection for the Ascension of Jesus. In Matthew 28, the faithful women disciples from Galilee had watched from a distance when Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried.
Father Mark Stec, East Vicariate Vicar Forane, blessed the seeds as well as the people, the animals, the fields and soil, and the machinery April 18 at the farm of Byron and Donna Zwilling near Dundas.