Parish mission with story and song at St. Mary in Mt. Vernon energizes people

“I can do this.” That’s what speaker ValLimar Jansen told the more than 250 people attending the first evening of the Nov. 6-8 regional parish mission hosted at St. Mary in Mt. Vernon.

And they believed her as they listened to the stories of Genesis, of Samuel and of Ruth and Naomi, told in vibrant colors as Jansen took them on a journey through those Bible stories and led them in song.

The songs reflected the message of the stories. When Jansen finished her story of Samuel, the people sang “Here I am, Lord, your servant is listening.”
The mission was open to all but especially people in the North Central, the South and the East vicariates that received a grant from The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal Fund for Ministry.

Pastors Father John Iffert, Father Patrick Peter, Father George Mauck, Father Joseph Rascher, Father Oliver Nwachukwu and Father Thomas Barrett were among the clergy attending the opening evening of the mission.

This mission was described as a celebration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy that opened Dec. 8, 2015 and closes Nov. 20 on the Feast of Christ the King.
The theme, Jansen said is: “Our God is here,” and people responded to the stories and participated in the songs, enlivened and energized as she asked God to “stir the water in us to cultivate peace.”
Jansen encouraged people to give God time to work within them by giving God three minutes of silence so they can “hear the small voice” of God within us.
As the people left, they spoke of the energy they felt during the evening and their intentions to continue to participate in the mission.

To find out more about Jansen, her music and stories, please visit