Editor’s Note: The following story was written by students from Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School.
Father Maurice Nutt, a former student of Sister Thea Bowman, is optimistic about her chance of sainthood. Fr. Nutt was in town recently for a revival at Saint Augustan of Hippo, and he decided to pay a visit to the students at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School, in East St Louis.
“Sister Thea Bowman will most likely become a saint,” the priest responsible for her cause of canonization told a group of eighth grade students at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School during his visit. “I know she was a holy person,” Fr. Nutt added.
Thea Bowman, who was a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, was declared a servant of God when her home Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi requested that the bishops endorse opening her cause for sainthood on November 14, 2018. To become a saint, Thea Bowman must undergo three more stages. The stages she must complete are: proof of a life of “heroic virtue,” verified miracles, and finally Canonization.
Sister Thea Bowman is remembered for her optimism, wonderful voice, teaching, and willingness to keep on fighting through her battle with cancer. “I’m going to live until I die,” Sister Thea Bowman said while struggling with cancer. She was truly a saint to everyone she came in contact with, which is why she will most likely become a saint.
The enthusiastic students of Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School in East St. Louis surely believe she lived the life of a saint, and they follow her examples, especially as they worship and praise through song, music, and dance, just as Sister Thea did.
Priest says he’s optimistic of Sister Thea Bowman’s cause for sainthood