Sister Miryam of the Holy Family professed her simple profession as a Poor Clare nun May 13 in the chapel of the Poor Clare Monastery in Belleville.
Poor Clare makes First Profession May 13

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Sister Miryam of the Holy Family professed her simple profession as a Poor Clare nun May 13 in the chapel of the Poor Clare Monastery in Belleville.
Three members of the School Sisters of Notre Dame volunteered to conduct a two-week Bible School program for parish youth, Father Ted Baumann, pastor, reported.
When the boys and girls went off to war in the 1940s to fight and die in WWII or to do the same in the 1950s during the Korean Conflict or the many “Operation” names of battles in Iraq and Afghanistan, they were thanked and applauded for their service. But one war stands out as the one where military veterans were not applauded or feted or thanked.