Bishop McGovern’s Column – You Are Not Alone

Dear Friends in Christ,

This week we are observing National Suicide Prevention Week. In my years as a priest, I have met and prayed with many families who have suffered the loss of a loved one who took his or her own life. In the past 30 years, I believe there is an increasing awareness that when people we love are in crisis we, as family and the Church, need to let them know they are not alone when it comes to mental health. While we may never fully understand the mental health disorders that can influence a person to commit suicide, we can urge our loved ones and friends to seek the help that they need.

I think today also of the families and friends who survive a person who has died by suicide. There is such a need for outreach to the survivors. How do we help one another cope with loss and find strength in our faith in the Lord Jesus?

With all this in mind, our diocese is sponsoring a Mass of Remembrance for people who have died by suicide at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15, at St. Mary Church, 1706 W. Main St. in Belleville. I will preside at the Mass and preach. We invite you to participate and welcome you to bring a photograph of your loved one to be placed in the sanctuary during Mass.

For more information, please contact Judy Hoffmann in the Office of the Bishop at (618) 722-5003 or by e-mail: [email protected].

Let’s pray this week especially for all the deceased, their families and for one another. Let’s also ask for the wisdom to find new ways to make mental health services available in our communities.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Michael McGovern

Bishop of Belleville